Booster des Talents IT

Formation International sale contract

Les régimes juridiques passés au crible pour l'élaboration du contrat de vente, d'agence, de franchise ou de cession de licence, les grandes familles du droit international et les conventions en vigueur. Les contraintes réglementaires liées aux technologies de pointe, les clauses de propriété ou encore l'arbitrage des litiges voici un florilège des domaines traités lors de cette formation International sale contract.
Prixà partir de
1170 €HT
Durée2 jours
Public Directeurs Commerciaux

Plan de Formation International sale contract

Contract fundamentals

Basic elements and formation of contract
The governing law and the concept of precedenc
Legal families, the choice of the governing law & ruling language
Dispute resolution (State courts/Arbitration)
Contract performance
Defective/delayed performance
Monetary compensations (penalties/liquidated damages)
Force majeure/hardship clause
Termination of contract
Contract documents and their priority
Definitions and interpretations

Contracts of sale

Formation of contract and applicable law
The Vienna Convention
The battle of forms
Description of goods
Acceptance/rejection of goods
Contract price/price revision
Terms and conditions of delivery
Transfer in ownership, passing of risks
The ICC “Incoterms”
Terms of payment (clean and documentary)

Supply & erection contracts

The flowdown context and contracting parties
Entry into force of the contract
Scope and limit of works/supplies
Sub-contracting & « if & when » clauses
Payment provisions and timing
Bank guarantees and other sureties (bonds, standby letters of credit)
Local work/supplies and provisions in case of subsequent legislation

Resolving claims

Variations in the works (changes in quality and/or quality)
Adverse conditions
Delayed and/or suspended performance
Pricing claims
Negotiating settlements
Avoiding future claims

Supply of services

Description and scope of services
Result based contracts vs resources based contracts
Terms in respect of care and skill
Obligation to cure, remedy, make good
Terms in respect of time for performance

Contracts of agency

Legal nature of the contract of agency
Types of agents (procuring agent, commissionaire …)
Agent’s authority
Rights and obligations of the parties (Principal/agent)
Scope of services/Products/Objectives
Territory/Term of contract/Remuneration

Electronic Commerce

Interchange agreements and contract law
Buying/selling on the Internet
Impact of European legislation (consumers vs professionals)

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AF4066Formation Contrat de vente international en Intra/Cours Particulier2 jours1170 €HT
AF4069Formation International sale contract en Intra/Cours Particulier2 jours1170 €HT
AF4045Formation Administration des ventes export en Intra/Cours Particulier5 jours2450 €HT
Vous pouvez également être intéressé par des formations Commerce, Commerce international, International ou par les formations de notre filière Commerce international
Prixà partir de
1170 €HT
Durée2 jours
Public Directeurs Commerciaux
Travaux pratiques50%